Nodular casting offer designers and engineers an unique combination of strength, wear resistance, fatigue resistance and toughness, and good ductility. Its tensile strength begins with the stop of gray iron, and its cast-state tensile strength is between 60,000 and 100,000 psi. The lower yield strength of code A395 is 40,000 psi only, is higher than cast steel or ordinary grey iron of Class 70~36 and Class 60~30 (no yield strength). Nodular iron casting is one of higher ductile of all cast iron, showing an 18%~30% elongation on the test specimens.
As a cost-effective alternative to carbon and low-alloy steel, nodolar casting iron pieces can even exceed steel in some applications. It is not as fragile as most types of iron. Multiple grades can be used in the cast state without additional heat treatment. The design flexibility of heat-treated nodular casting iron pieces can be further improved.
The mechanical performance of nodular iron is much higher than that of gray casting iron. Its wear resistance is comparable to some good steel, superior to grey casting iron. It is much cheaper than cast steel and only a little more expensive than gray cast iron. Its high yield strength and ductility makes it an economic choice for many applications.
That's the purpose of the nodular casting. Its strength, toughness, and ductility greatly exceed grey cast iron and standards are very similar to many steel species. In addition, it has lower casting costs compared to steel, and the advantages of design flexibility.